Stay cool, stay fit, and stay ahead of the game with MPower Muscle Stimulation & Fat Melting

Pricing for HIFEM NEO

Summer Muscle Stimulation Special!

Perfect Mother’s or Father’s Day Gift

MPower Cushion is Discounted by $100 Through August!

MPower For Abs, Arms, Glutes & Legs Includes a Session of Red Light With Appt!

Get ready to take your summer workouts to the next level with our Muscle Stimulation sessions at Chilled Cryospa! Enhance your strength, endurance, and recovery with this cutting-edge technology that targets specific muscle groups for maximum results.

Imagine achieving your fitness goals faster than ever before, all while enjoying the summer season to the fullest. Whether you're looking to tone up for the beach or boost your athletic performance, our Muscle Stimulation sessions can help you get there.

Don't let the heat slow you down this summer. Stay cool, stay fit, and stay ahead of the game with Muscle Stimulation at Chilled Cryospa. Book your session now and make this summer your strongest one yet!